Monday, November 3, 2008

How was your weekend?

Hello again my wonderful bloggy friends and family (those of you that have stuck around while I have been MIA)! I know that I promised some new pics and all of that stuff, but can I tell you that life has been a little hectic and the camera has been the last thing on my mind.

First, my amazing Gramma has recently been put into hospice care and is not doing as great as we all wish she was doing. She is 87 years old and is one of the most generous, loving, and wonderful women I have ever met. She lives about 60 miles from me and I have been spending as much time as possible with her (although, let me tell you that it has not been as much as it should have been).

Secondly, I have been sick. Not really sure what has been going on with me, but I have not felt well for the last week. A slight cough, a slight upset stomach, and a raging headache for most of the last week.

Thirdly, (is that a word?) I have been doing some really, really, really hard homework. I don't know if I have said it before, but going back to college at the age of 31 REALLY...REALLY...SUCKS! I am in my 4th term of classes and they get harder and harder (yes, I know that is how it is supposed to work, I just didn't think it would be this hard).

Fourthly, Saturday was the day that I promised Tamara her birthday sleepover. She invited 3 of her friends, although only one of them got to spend the night, and all 8...yes you read that right, 8 of us went to the movies to see High School Musical 3. It was Paul and I, our 3 children, and 3 of Tamara's friends. Let me tell you.. Zac Efron is a cutie and I liked the 1st two of the series, but that movie is soooo cheesy. I was laughing at parts that were not meant to be funny. People (all the tweens, teens, and kids) kept looking at me like I had 3 heads. Anyway...if you have children that would like to see it...wait until it comes out on DVD and rent it for them (that way you do not have to watch it.) Guess I won't be getting any endorsements or anything from Disney now :-(

Lastly, I know that I promised pictures from Halloween, and I do have some....BUT you will not be seeing them on this post. I forgot my camera Friday night; we went to a friend's house to get ready and then to another friend's house for an impromptu party. We had a few drinks, took the kids trick-or-treating, and then had a few more drinks. All in all we had the best time. My wonderful friend, Charity took pics for me of all my kids (except Tamara, cause she is too old to trick-or-treat with her parents), and I even let Charity get a picture of me in my costume. She should be emailing them to me soon, and as soon as she does I will post them for everyone to see.

I hope that everyone's week has started off to be a great week and I will be back with pictures soon! (hint, hint Charity ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How is that your Mother is the last to know that you are sick, I use to be the first.. Just maybe you are growing up on me. Glad to see that you posted again but seems the only way I can keep up with ya'll. I love you... Mama